Keaton Beach Fishing Report June 12 -13 2015
/Matt Williams , Steve and Stephen Cook all of Dallas, Ga. 5/29
Joe Wallace and ellen williams of maine with at limit JUne 3rd
0702 Matt Williams, Steve and Stephen Cook of Dallas, Georgia with their catch Friday, May 29
0735 Joe Wallace and Ellen Williams of Maine with their limit of fine trout with three over 20" June 3rd
Keaton Beach Fishing Report June 12-13 2015
We had our limits of trout on board One More Cast for 8 straight days ( May 29 through June 6th) despite the afternoon storms and high ( up to 88 degrees) water temperatures in the Gulf. We caught these trout on live pinfish rigged 48" under Back Bay Thunders in 5.6 - 6.5 feet of water. Our bite would not begin until the second half of the incoming tide and was best in the last hour of the rise.
The catfish have been horrific and mixed right in with the trout. We used up over 200 pinfish on one trip last week to land 18 keeper trout.
We had a 25" trout Thursday, June 4th for Benjamin Greenblatt of Columbus, Ga. one of three over 20" that day. This was Benjamin's first ever trip on the Gulf fishing for Speckled Trout and he said " this is a lot more fun than catching catfish in your pond Grandpa" Can we get an "Amen" on that one!
Pete Giddens of Ocilla , Ga. had a 31" fork Cobia and was quite disappointed when I tossed it back to grow up. The Giddens caught their limit of trout Saturday anyway without the cobia.
which is sponsored by the Steinhatchee Community Projects Board Inc. and The Taylor Tourism Council. The tourney is Saturday, June 13th, 2015.
Captain’s meeting will be held Friday, June 12th at Sea Hag Marina “The Scallywag Shack” on Riverside Drive, Steinhatchee from 6PM-8:30PM.
One Angler and one quest only please due to limited space. Weigh in 1PM-5:30PM at Ideal Marine Supply across from the Steinhatchee Ramp on 1rst Ave.. Entry fee $30.00 per Angler.
Over $4000.00 in cash and prizes Ladies be in the water with poles ready by 5:30 or safe light.
Prizes include three places for Redfish and Trout and two places for Grouper and Amberjack. Redfish with the most spots as well as the largest Ladyfish and Flounder also will bring you cash or jewelry. A Boat Bonus of $100.00 per boat will be awarded for the largest Trout, Redfish, Grouper or Amberjack to the All Ladies Boat (no boat boy) that catches the largest fish.
Tickets are available at the Captain’s Meeting or at River Haven Marina & Motel 352-498-0709, Sea Hag Marina 352-498-3008,Ideal Marine Supply 352-498-5707 or Good Times Motel & Marina 352-498-8088. Please use cash or check only at the Captain’s meeting. No credit or debit cards. For additional information contact Liana Chapman 352-210-1781, Ann Boy 352-498-5963, or Rhoda Moehring 352-498-7376.