Keaton Beach Fishing Report August 21-22 2015
Keaton Beach Fishing report 8/ 21-22/2015
Trout fishing was fair when we had a breeze and tough when we didn't this past week as evidenced by the 7 trout Billy Pillow and I caught Thursday last .
Friday, I had David and Drew Parkman of Columbus, Ga. out and we landed 8 trout and two black Sea bass while fishing with live pinfish under Back Bay Thunders. Our fish came form 5.5 -6.5 feet of water and the water temps ran from 84 -88 in the afternoon.Saturday we dropped to 5 trout and two blacks as the w-i-n-d dropped to less than 5 knots most of the day. The trout simply didn't want to move in that warm of water with no breeze. The catfish wore us out despite where we might move and try.
Look for trout to act pretty much the same this weekend, although the tides are backwards, so you will have to fish a falling tide with a.m. hi's. Live pinfish is the ticket as I have yet to catch a fish in the last three weeks on plastic.
Hey, Mark your calendars for the Taylor County Fall Trout Trout tournament Saturday, September 19, 2015 fishing from Sea Hag at Keaton Beach Marina and Steinhatchee. Weigh-In with be at Sea Hag at Keaton Beach. entry fee $30 per person with cash and prizes over $3000 including a $1000 top prize for heaviest legal stringer of five trout. For more information: contact Ashley Mock 850-843-0566 or the Taylor County chamber 850-584-5366