Keaton report October 5-6 2018
/james Ragdale and Jimmy Brandon , nice mess
Keaton Report
October 5,6 2018
Trout fishing was great this past week as we caught limits each day for three in a row on board One More Cast.
Capt. Dave Malone and I fished Friday and landed a limit of trout in under two hours fishing with live Pinfish under Back Bay Thunders from 4.0 – 4.5 feet of water. The tide was slow coming in with a 2.8 ft. range yet the bite was great.
Saturday, I had Jimmy Brandon and Jimmy Ragsdale down from north Ga. and we caught a limit of trout with three over 20” including a 23.5” fish for Mr. Ragsdale. We had ten trout in 58 minutes then took an hour to catch the last five. We went out at 11:30 a.m. and fished ‘til 5:00 p.m. Our fish were in 5.5 – 5.0 ft.
Sunday, this same duo had their limit and I caught four nice keeper Assassin 5” shads under an Original Cajun Thunder in Croaker Shad and Grey Ghost. We also threw back a bunch of shorts and caught catfish, lady fish and three sharks due to the lack of breeze soon after we got out. None of our trout were over 20” due to the slack w-i-n-d as well.
Reds have been tough for me up north of Keaton as I haven’t figured them out the last week or so. Reports have reds being caught south towards Steinhatchee.