keaton report June 8,9
/phillip meredeth of dothan alabama
What a difference a week makes the water was red coffee-colored big time darkest I have seen since the 30” of rain back in 2000 I believe . Well we managed some fish around the darkest color but not in it. The lines move daily but Monday it was dark from Warrior humps all the way to ....well maybe St . Marks?? I gave up on finding out how far? Anyway you could get out past it in 6’ –7’ or stop before you got that far north. If when or with the w-i-n-d moving out of the west prescription look for the darker water to begin to settle and make for some fantastic fishing. Did I mention I saw 88 degree water Monday ...Whew! that’s warm for the first week in June.
Let’s expect the reds to run from the fresh water in the creeks and set up on the outside bars or just move out on the flats in this 88 degree water. Yikes
Had 8 nice trout last Saturday including a beautiful 25.5” trout for Phillip Meredeth of Dothan, Alabama. Yes, he caught it on a live pinfish under a Back Bay Thunder in 5.5 ft. of water just before the squall got there. I had two nice trout on Assassin plastic one on Croaker Shad 5” and one 19” trout on Stinky Pink 5” bouncing.