Keaton Report June 3 -4 2017
/Photo Cutline :
Jim Hardegree with a "Slob"
1727 Jim Hardegree of McDonough, Ga. with a 4.6 lb slob 23.5" 5/26/17
Keaton Report June 3-4 2017
Flats fishing will take a back seat to Snapper Fishing as the HOLY HOLDERS OF THE HORSE HOCKEY (Feds) saw fit to grant us low life sorry good for nuthin' recreational anglers a lousy three days to catch Red Snapper...ohthanksabunchfornuthin' Oh and if you are ever wondering why you can order red snapper from the menu of all the chain seafood rests. then you now understand who gets to catch red snapper anytime they want to. They just can't have us out there messing it up for the commercial harvest.
Trout fishing has been "off the chain" as we have caught some of the heaviest stringers of the year this past week right into the Memorial Day weekend. Saturday, We had 29 trout with three over 20" . Friday was the day though as I took Jim and Doug Hardegree of McDonough ,Ga. out with their buddy Neiman Kopher of St. Simons Ga. and we caught four trout over 21" two which were over 24". We had to throw back two more over 21" long and still brought back 17 trout and three reds to 25"
We caught all our fish on live pinfish under Back Bay Thunders in 3.5 - 5.5 ft. of water. We pinned up with my WANG on a small bar to catch the reds and threw back three more short reds.
The early morning incoming tides should make for some good fishing this weekend and while the floating grass is everywhere, you might slip up on a fish or two with a plug late in the afternoons on the falling tide. We continue to catch reds on Intruder II Hex Copper and Cajun Copper spoons when the grass will let us fish them.