keaton report April 28-29/2017
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Tin blanton
1603 Tim Blanton of Madison, Florida with a fine trout
Keaton Beach Fishing Report April 28/29 2017
Trout were doing well last week, as Saturday, Herschel, Wes and Tucker Daniels of Valdosta,Ga. (Grandpa, Dad and son /grandson) took home 14 trout and two reds, then Sunday I had my best trip of the year with 15 trout weighing 31.2 pounds for B.K. Ison of Horizon R.V. fame in Valdosta, Ga. and his wife Cathy. We had our 3 over 20" while B.K took top honors with a 25" trout weighing 5 pounds! A marvelous day of fishing!
Monday, in a shortened 3-hour trip Bill and Ruth Camp ( former property owners at Keaton Beach) of North Georgia had 8 trout and two reds with two trout over 20". We fished in 4.5 feet in 15- 20 knots as the front passed.
report from David Bosch of Tifton:
"Fished Saturday with the Chee family. Had a good time until it was time to load up. {it was so crowded due to the number of folks who went fishing Saturday it took over an hour to get the boat on the trailer} We wound up with a limit of trout, most caught in the afternoon on the falling tide when the wind was at its peak. We had our best success in 5' to 5.5'. Calvin did well on jigs, the rest of us fished pinfish under Cajuns."
Tuesday, I took Bert Deener of Waycross,Ga. out and we struggled to catch five trout, a flounder and a Black Sea Bass we caught three trout on plugs; Two on a Top Pup and one on a Renegade. The other two ate pinfish under Back Bays as did the flounder and the BSB.