Keaton report April 14-15 2017
Keaton Beach Fishing report April 14 -15 2017
Trout have recovered considerably since the howling w-i-n-d and cold of last weekend. The water temperature is back up to 72 degrees after plunging to 62-63 degrees Saturday morning last. Folks are catching trout in 6 - 8 ft of water due to a couple of changes in the system. First, the rain we had ( 3-9 inches depending on where you were in the county) has flushed a lot of fish out away from the hill. Even reds are out on the outside bars away from the creek mouths. Secondly, I think maybe the trout thought we were having winter again and moved out to not only get away from the too fresh water, but to escape the cold.
I any event they are catching more in over 6 ft. than shallower. Bouncing grubs like Brad and Judy Denman of Thomasville, Ga. did Wednesday, yielded a limit of nice trout to 21" and Brad fought a 60+ pound cobia for 15 minutes only to have his trout leader break. Speaking of cobia we had our first keeper of the year, Sunday for Ken Parsons of Valdosta, Ga. on ten pound test Trik Fish line. It was Ken's first ever cobia.
My One More Cast charters have caught nice fish including 10 Trout, three Reds and five black Sea Bass, Wednesday, for Chuck May of Lake Park and his son-in-law Ken Baldree of Adel, Ga. We caught our trout on live pinfish under Back Bay Thunders.
Don't forget the 8TH ANNUAL Special Olympics Tourney this weekend at Keaton Beach. $30 per angler. Prizes include red-trout slam $1,000; Biggest red and Biggest trout $500 first place; second biggest $250 each. most spot on a red $150; largest shiner $50 (KIDS UNDER 12 fish free) Weigh-in at Keaton Beach Ramp 5:00 p.m. Saturday, April 15 Contact Sgt. Lin Gray for more information at 850-584-5121