Keaton Beach Fishing report 8- 5,6 -2016
/etta gaston of Kansas CityMissouri with her first-ever redfsih
1236 Etta Gaston of Kansas City, Missouri with her first-ever redfish July 25 3026
Keaton Beach Fishing report 8/ 5-6 /16
Trout continue to please those who look for them as evidenced by a One More Cast trip, Friday, for Dawn Taylor of the Chamber of Commerce, here in Perry, with Donna Creamer of Gilchrist County when they landed 8 trout and a redfish. We fished live bait under Back Bays in 5.5 - 6 feet of water to land our fish in about three hours.
Terry and Tyler Revels of Tifton, Ga. fished Sunday in 4.5 - 5.5 feet of water with live pinfish under Original Cajun Thunders to land their limit of trout with five trout over 20" ! They kept two 24 inch long trout! That's awful good trout fishing for the HEAT of summer.
We had limits of trout for the week previous for three trips in a row. All our trout were caught on live pinfish under Back Bay Thunders.
Scallopers continue to have a blast and are getting all they want.
Remember to FLY YOUR DIVE FLAGS It's the Law!