Keaton Beach Fishing Report November 6-7 2015
/Coy Crider of Ray City , Ga. with his first-ever redfish!
Well my Birthday is tomorrow November 3rd and used to we had had one frost by now...It's supposed to be 83 degrees tomorrow not too likely we will make it.....the frost that is... The trout were biting and so were the reds this past week and most folks caught some trout and several caught their limit.
I had Danny and his Dad, Coy Crider both of Ray City, Ga. out Thursday and we took home 8 trout and 6 reds. The Criders both caught their first-ever redfish and had a blast learning to hold and cast a spinning rod. Live pinfish under Back Bays were the ticket.
Saturday, I had Danny Aramillo of Valdosta, Ga. with his wife, Traci and son, Jake. We brought back 14 trout and 8 reds to 24" and threw back 4 keeper reds to boot. Traci landed a 23" trout for our top fish. We fished with live pinfish and live shrimp under Back Bay Thunders to land these fish. Our first drift was in less than 2.5 feet of water ( started around 12:30 p.m) lasted over an hour with the SSE w-i-n-d and we had 5 reds and 6 trout in the box when I went to turn around. The balance of our box of fish came from 4 - 4.5 feet of water.
I saw Jack Turner of Ft. Valley, Ga. with his cousin Daryl Mckinney of Anniston, Alabama who had their limit, Saturday, fishing with Assassin 5" shads and 4" Sea Shads rigged up under Cajun Thunders and Equalizers
From David Bosch of Tifton, Ga. "Fished from Tuesday 10/27 to Saturday 10/31 with David Stewart and Chris Norman also from Tifton, GA. Fishing was excellent with limits of trout and reds on most days, and a couple of Spanish. The sea trout were mostly slot fish, with a few 21"- 22" fish and a nice 26" fish thrown in. Reds were in the 19" - 24" range. We picked up most of our fish in 2' - 5' of water with our best success in 3'. We were mostly fishing shrimp and live pinfish, but the 26" trout hit a Gold/clear Catch 2000."