Keaton Beach Fishing Report November, 7-8 2014
/Keaton Beach Fishing Report 11/3/14
Brrrr.... Well, the second Arctic Blast dropped the water temperatures from 73 degrees, Thursday, to just below 60 Sunday and tonight's supposed to get cold again. I would guess that any warming effects this warming trend earlier this week may have added will be cancelled out by the cold front due this weekend . The Good News is that the fish may have had time to move around ( more than likely into the shallows) and get acclimated to the colder water by Friday.
Last week, I had Lee Crowe, Chuck Hurst and Wayne Allgood down from North Georgia and Friday we landed 13 trout to 5 pounds, a 5.1 pound Spanish and a 6 lb. red with four black sea bass. Wayne caught his largest-to-date a 25" 5.0 lb Sow trout while Chuck also caught his largest trout ever a 26.25" beauty which weighed one ounce shy of five pounds. Lee contributed the redfish to the box along with his share of trout. We fished live pinfish under Back Bay Thunders in 2.5 - 3.5 feet of water to catch all but two of these fish. We caught two trout on those 'ol Walmart plugs. Oh and we caught three black sea bass on Assassin Cantaloupe Sea Shads bounced in 8 - 9 ft.
I saw Steve Henderson and Tom Vafias of Tifton, Ga. who fished the entire weekend? Yikes, they had 7 trout in under three hours Friday with two over 20". Then on Saturday ( in that howling w-i-n-d) they actually caught 3 and then in water temps under 60 degrees Sunday, they managed three trout again. Tom had a 23.5" trout, Saturday, his largest-to-date! This pair fished a mixed bag of baits; plugs, Gulp and Assassin plastic and said they had no real pattern, except they had most of their luck in 5 - 6 ft of water.
It will be time to throw MirrOlure's Catch 2000's, MirrOdines, SoftDines, and Paul Brown Specials in all three designs this weekend as I doubt the trout will move much faster or further than these suspending baits move in water temps hovering around sixty degrees.
Concentrate on rocky flats adjacent to creeks with warmer water flowing out of them on the falling tide.
meanwhile Let's Go Fishing!
Lee Crowe of Bogart, Ga. with a 6.1 pound red caught Halloween 2014