Keaton Beach Fishing Report October 10 - 11, 2014
/Keaton Beach Fishing Report 10/10-11/14
Water temperatures dropped to 70 degrees over the weekend and rebounded to mid-seventies only to settle around 72 later this week. Trout are continuing to take live pinfish under Back Bays in 3 - 4.5 ft., Paul Brown Specials, MirrOdines, TopDog Jrs and lipped jerkbaits in depths ranging from 1.5' to 3'.
This weekend should see Great fishing at Keaton as trout continue to move in and take advantage of the cooler water temps. Topwater has begun to take off and will only get better.
One More Cast trips: Well, the first true arctic blast of the year came thru Saturday and we still managed 8 trout for Paul and Clarisse Kinsley of Shady Grove, Florida. we fished live pinfish under Back Bay Thunders in 3.5 - 4.5 feet of water for our fish. We had two trout over 20" in the mix.
Sunday was even better, while I fished Jack Byrd with Chrissy Queen, both of Dallus, Ga. who landed 13 trout, four nice 11" Black Sea Bass and a Bluefish.
Chrissie Queen with her first-ever Speckled Trout
Jack Byrd with a beautiful 23" trout taken on a live pinfish under a Back Bay Thunder
The fishing had greatly improved by Tuesday, as Billy Pillow and I had 10 trout, catching the first six on those lipped jerkbaits in less than 2 feet of water; then finishing off our limit with live pinfish under Back Bays in 3.5 - 4' of water. We had two trout over 23" and a nice 20" redfish.
Seabold and Johnny Griggs and a pal had their 15 trout with 3 over 20" using MirrOdines and Paul Brown Devils in 2-3 feet, Tuesday.
Jason Hencley, Todd and Eddie Robinson of Gray, Ga. had their limit of 15 trout, one red, 4 Black Sea Bass in 4' - 5' of water using Gulp Pearl and New Penny under Cajun Thunders, Friday, before the front.
Dave Bosch sent me this email: "Good seeing you over the weekend! Peng, Calvin, Guna, and I had a good couple of days fishing on the 4th and 5th. We picked up 27 trout, 5 redfish, 3 Spanish, and an assortment of others. Most were caught on pin fish although we did dabble with some 'spots' Calvin cast netted in the canal for us. Calvin also did pretty well on his favorite plastic, Candy Corn Saltwater Assassin Shad. The bulk of our fish were picked up in 4.5' - 5' of water. Water temps were from 72 to 77 degrees on Saturday and from 69 to 72 on Sunday" ( this crew is from Tifton, Ga.)
Hey, just want to announce the SeaTrout Shootout! is Saturday, October 25, 2014
The Kevin’s Fine Outdoor Gear & Apparel Seatrout Shootout presented by Calico Jack's will take place Saturday, October 25, 2014. Cash rewards will be paid out to the top 10 teams weighing in the heaviest combined weight of (5) Slot Seatrout (15" - 20"). Teams will also have the option to register for an additional $1000 in bonus money. $250 will be given for each of the following categories. Big Trout, Big Red, Red w/ Most Spots and Luck Of The Draw. With an entry fee of $50.00 per angler (bonus categories are optional) and a Guaranteed cash purse of $5000, you and your crew will want to get registered today!!!
Launch your boat at any boat ramp, fish your favorite holes and then weigh in at Jerry's Bait & Tackle located at 664 Woodville Highway, Crawfordville, FL.
The tournament banquet is at Cross Creek Par 3 Golf Course & Driving Range on Friday, October 10th & Kick Off Party/Captain's Meeting at Calico Jack's is Thursday, October 23rd featuring live music by Tallahassee's very own Tobacco Rd Band.
For more information, visit their website or contact Brian Hurley at (850) 528-0553.